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Alumni Success Stories: Ask me anything!


Date: 27th of May, 7.00 PM until 9.30 PM
Venue:  Stayokay Hostel Maastricht
For Who: Everyone


Are you curious about what life after SBE looks like?
Then don’t miss the opportunity to ask all your questions to two SCOPE and SBE alumni that made it all the way to success.

Our first speaker, Y Chi Lange, completed her Bachelor's in Economics and Business Economics at Maastricht University and then pursued a Master's in Business Analytics. She gained valuable experience at leading consultancies and investment firms before joining SMP Strategy Consulting, where she rapidly climbed the corporate ladder and now leads as a Project Manager, driving strategic initiatives and delivering impactful solutions for clients.

Our second speaker, Jan Philip Böckers, holds a Bachelor's in International Business from Maastricht University, a Master's in Global Management, and a PhD in Corporate Governance. He has worked at various consultancies and has been with BCG for the past four years; in addition, he has spent the last two years at RWTH Innovation, providing coaching and support to startup teams.

The success stories event aims to shed light on two SCOPE Alumni's success in their professional careers and to highlight their development, achievements, and learning experiences along the way.

In the first part of the event together with our host, we will dive into the career paths of our two participants and their personal and professional growth in an interview style. The event will then shift to an open Q&A, where you will get the chance to get your questions answered and gain first-hand insights into possible future career paths after your studies. 
To conclude the evening, there will be the opportunity to network over some casual drinks.
