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Lucie Kieffer - External Relations Commissioner

  • Hello everyone, my name is Lucie Kieffer, I am 21 and come from Luxembourg. In the following academic year, I will be the External Relations Commissioner for the industries of Finance, Consulting, Accounting, Economics, and Start-Ups.

    I finished my second year of the International Business Bachelor just before my year as a full-time board member, and am sort of a New Joiner to SCOPE Maastricht. This is even one reason to be very excited about the adventure ahead of us, and I really look forward to creating valuable experiences for all involved.

    During my Board Year, I will be in charge of the collaborations between SCOPE and my respective partners and will help to bridge the gap between students and companies.

    Please feel free to contact me if there is anything I can help you with or if you are interested in collaborating with SCOPE Maastricht:

    Lucie Kieffer
