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Marlena Wilkes - Marketing Commissioner

  • Hello, my name is Marlena Wilkes, I am 23 years old and originally from a town near Munich, Germany. I finished my apprenticeship as an Industrial Management Assistant in 2022 and since then I have been interested in the field of Marketing – that is why I decided to pursue the position of Marketing Commissioner for the academic year 2023-2024 at SCOPE Maastricht. I am currently between my first and second year of my Bachelor´s degree in International Business and previously had the opportunity of being the Marketing Manager for the last edition of the Consulting and Auditing Tour Duesseldorf.

    This year, I will be in charge of Marketing, PR, and Graphic Design. As Marketing Commissioner, I will oversee and implement different marketing strategies and campaigns, as well as enhance the overall visibility of SCOPE Maastricht via multiple social media platforms. Furthermore, another vital part of my job is to oversee and guide my committees. Together, we strive to support the overall growth of the organization and to align with SCOPE´s main target audience.

    I hope to further contribute to the organization and develop my managerial and creative skills.

    If you have any questions or want to have a chat with me, do not hesitate to contact me via

    Kind regards,
    Marlena Wilkes
