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At SCOPE, our Alumni are held in very high esteem. The Alumni committee maintains a connection with our alumni and offers events and activities to them. Get to know our old members who are now successfully developing their careers and learn how to organize an interesting evening for people in varying stages of their lives. You will also have the opportunity to write interesting newsletters to our alumni and keep the LinkedIn page updated. 

Recruitment period - September & February
Estimated average workload:  3/4 hours per week.
(The average workload is indicated as an estimate for you to have a better idea of which committees are more demanding. Yet, these estimations are subjective and depend on the period and on the person, so they are subject to change).


  • Lieke Elisabeth Gustaaf Devue

  • Marko Ivosevic

  • Bendeguz Pungor

  • Alexander Klettke

  • Kim Isabelle Eddysson

  • Lennart Holsten
