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Community Case Challenge 2024



Increasing the Share of Online Revenue @Artichoque    


Company description:

Artichoque, a local and well-established art gallery in Maastricht, has already recognized the importance of having an online presence to stay connected to its community and to expand its reach beyond in-store visits. But actually selling art online is another story. Therefore, Artichoque would like to know how it can increase its share of online sales.

The main challenge for Artichoque is attracting new online customers, but also to encourage its existing customer base to engage in online shopping and benefit from the convenience of browsing and purchasing art from anywhere. Due to the nature of art and selling originals, Artichoke targets quite a specific group of customers. Art is highly emotional and therefore faces unique hurdles when selling online, especially for high-value art pieces.

Case description:

Your task is to develop a strategic initiative addressing Artichoque's goal of increasing online turnover and attracting new customers, thus fostering the gallery's growth in the digital realm. This involves devising innovative solutions that seamlessly integrate with Artichoque's existing operations in Maastricht while considering the broader context of engaging art enthusiasts in other cities across the Netherlands and beyond. Your challenge will include gaining insights into the current market dynamics, understanding the needs of current and potential online customers. Your research should encompass a range of approaches, listen to customers and experts but to also think outside of the box. Leveraging the knowledge gained from the gallery's unique collection and customer base, your aim is to propose scalable and effective solutions that will not only maintain Artichoque's local prominence but also extend its reach to a wider, diverse audience. We eagerly anticipate your creative insights to propel Artichoque towards sustained success in the evolving landscape of online art commerce. It remains up to you to find out how people decide to purchase art, figure out why and where these decisions are made and what would make them purchase art online?

We eagerly anticipate creative solutions that will support Artichoque in increasing its online art sales and input on which technologies, features or other factors are highly important.
