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Community Case Challenge 2024



How does DARQ look like in 2024?                         


Company description:

DARQ is a local company that specializes in producing exclusive and sustainable chocolates. Although they are famous for their coffee and chocolate shop near the Sint Servaasbrug, where you can enjoy breakfast, lunch, or a small treat, they offer much more. They provide workshops that allow you to take a peek behind the curtain to see how they create their magic and tastings. Additionally, they offer B2B services, such as chocolate boxes with customized packaging. In 2024, they will open a chocolate-themed boutique hotel. 

To effectively promote the various services and products that DARQ offers, it is essential to have a clear strategy that emphasizes the right parts of the business without overshadowing the others. Having knowledge of the industries they are involved in and their customer bases is crucial to ensure that the right aspects of the business are emphasized.


Case description:

Considering all these, your task is to: evaluate the markets DARQ is in, understand DARQ’s unique selling points and how they fit into the markets they are in, and analyze its customer base. Using these and any further data you find, advise DARQ in their branding and marketing strategies. Consider the customer experience for different branches of DARQ; a customer who is looking for a nice breakfast in the city, an employer planning to get some nice gift to their employees, or a customer planning a vacation. What steps would they take, what would they expect and how can DARQ exceed those expectations, think outside the (chocolate) box.

Consider how much weight should be given to B2C, B2B, and hotel branches of the brand; how their current strategies in these areas can be improved; and if there are any more areas they can branch out to.

We are excited to learn about the ideas you come up with that will help shape DARQ’s future strategies as a brand.


Websites of the company:
