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Community Case Challenge 2024



Expand english-speaking services          


Company description:

Stichting StartersCentrum Limburg is an independent foundation that is subsidized by participating municipalities in the province of Limburg. The foundation is the first point of contact for individuals who are looking to start their own businesses or become self-employed in Limburg. The StartersCentrum provides support and advice to entrepreneurs and self-employed individuals in the start-up phase, as well as those who are experiencing start-up problems. This is made possible through a unique collaboration between Limburg municipalities and a number of regional partners.

The StartersCentrum offers a comprehensive range of services that includes personal consultations, webinars, meetings, training, and entrepreneurial projects. Our services are free of charge for residents (starters) from the participating municipalities.

For those looking to start their own business or become self-employed, the StartersCentrum is the first step in entrepreneurship. We guide, advise, inspire, and encourage startups in our region. Entrepreneurship can be exciting and challenging; however, a well-prepared starter has a better chance of success.


Case description:

StartersCentrum was initially created to cater to Dutch-speaking entrepreneurs and startups by providing a wide range of services. However, in recent years, there has been a significant increase in demand for English-speaking services, which now make up almost 40% of all consultation projects. Therefore, StartersCentrum would like to expand and enhance its current English-speaking service offerings. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to contact former and potential clients of StartersCentrum, evaluate their needs and demands, and develop tailored solutions for English-speaking clients. This will help StartersCentrum to identify a trajectory on how to implement and conduct these new service offerings.


Website of the company:
