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Maastricht Business Days Autumn 2024

Workshop 1 Novo Nordisk

Finance Partnering Game (30 mins) Gamification of the Finance Partner role at Novo Nordisk

 What does it mean to be a Finance Partner, and how does Finance interact with Line of Business?

In this game, the participants will have to prepare for a budget meeting with the CFO, and be mindful of each step they take ahead of the actual meeting, to ensure all financials and narratives are well covered.

Strategic Finance M&A Case (30 mins) Gamification of M&A case solving at Novo Nordisk.

How does Novo Nordisk work with M&A cases, and what type of M&A activities do we involve ourselves in?

In this game, the participants will have to determine the viability of a M&A acquisition case, and discuss both the fit and NPV of the case.
