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Exclusive Lecture ING Wholesale Banking

General Registration

Curious what it is like to work within Financial Markets (FM) at ING Wholesale Banking? FM distributes securities - bonds, equities, and loans - towards financial institutions and makes a secondary market in these instruments to facility liquidity. On top, FM is globally active in risk intermediation for both corporate end-users and financial institutions whereby we assist them with hedging instruments - derivatives - related to FX, Rates, Commodity and/or Equity exposures. We also support our clients with Money Market products to optimize their cash position and/or funding need.  


The session will be hosted by Henning Eckhof (Director – Financial Markets Sales) alongside colleagues from the Financial Markets and Campus team. He joined ING in Amsterdam 2006 and has always worked at ING’s Financial Markets Division distributing Cross Asset Derivatives, FX, and Money Markets products. During his first years he covered primarily large German Corporates and gradually moved his attention to Dutch and International Clients. 


What is the workshop all about:  

  • Introduction to ING Wholesale Banking with a specific focus on Financial Markets.  
  • Zooming into the specific financial risk parameters a corporate can be confronted with and what type of products are used to mitigate these risks.  
  • An annual report of a global beer company will be shared with you upfront so you can familiarize yourself with the financial statements.  
  • Identify key risks and discuss this in the wider group.  
  • Finally, we will give you some tips and tricks on how to find that ‘dream’ job in the Finance industry and how to best position yourself during interviews. 
  • Closing withe drinks  


Preparation: please have a look at Investors | AB InBev ( The Annual Report of 2022 before the lecture.
