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  • Blue Walker

    My name is Blue and I am the President of SCOPE Maastricht for this academic year.

    If you are interested in leading one of Europe’s biggest study associations, laying out the future strategy, and working closely together with eight fellow board members, then this position is perfect for you! But let me explain in a little bit more detail all the tasks and challenges of the President role.

    As a president of SCOPE Maastricht, you are the main representative of the association to the outside, being the university, our daughter associations, and other study associations within and outside the Netherlands. Therefore, you are the main person to coordinate between internal and external affairs. This comes with the responsibility of guiding your fellow board members and working together with them on the strategic positioning of SCOPE for the years to come.

    In a nutshell, the function of the president of SCOPE Maastricht is to be strong and guide the association as a whole, instruct and keep oversight on the full board, and be the first person to approach external parties on the one hand, while on the other hand being that person to whom other board members can go and share and express issues with.

    Of course, there is a lot more to this position, and I would enjoy to tell you more about it. So please do not hesitate to reach out to me via mail ( or send me an email to book a coffee break so we can meet personally!

    I look forward to meeting you!
